"Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, uniting your body to your thoughts.
Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath to take hold of your mind again."
Thich Nhat Hanh


Personal Journey Seminar (Levels 1, 2 &3)
PORTUGAL (venue to be confirmed)
Sunday 1st to Saturday 7th OCTOBER 2023
Join us for six days of life-changing personal growth as you experience the benefits of this Transformational Breath® Seminar (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
Transformational Breath® Senior Trainers Claire & Michael Blake & Organiser and Co-Trainer Elizabeth Thomas and facilitators will guide you through this powerful week ~ exploring the benefits of conscious connected breathing using a full diaphragmatic breath. As you open to your breath, you open to your life.
Cost: Full Tuition Fee €1400 (Payment Plan available on application)
EARLY BIRD: €1200 ~ if €400 deposit paid by 15th August
Repeating participants Discount Tuition Fee €900
NOTE: We recommend you experience "in person" at least one individual session of Transformational Breath® with a Certified Facilitator before attending this Seminar.
Course Content:
Twice-daily facilitated group breathwork sessions - approx I hour
Daily "100 Breath" mini-sessions with facilitation - approx 15-20 mins
Variety of exercises and processes to support self-exploration
A deep understanding of Breathing Analysis and your own Breathing Pattern
Learning techniques for Self-Sessions including hands-on Body Mapping

Transformational Breath® ~ Personal Journey Seminar ~ is a deep process that takes each participant gently through the "Three Levels"
Level 1 ~ Open and optimise your breathing apparatus
* Feel more energised, boost your immune system, sleep deeper
Level 2 ~ Access your unconscious and integrate unresolved issues
* Feel emotionally balanced, reduce stress, achieve mental clarity
Level 3 ~ Connect to your inner guidance
* Deepen your meditation & Access higher states of awareness