"Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, uniting your body to your thoughts.
Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath to take hold of your mind again."
Thich Nhat Hanh


International Breathwork Foundation (IBF)
Non-profit organisation for conscious breathing and breathwork
The IBF is a global networking organisation for breathwork trainers and practitioners and all those interested in the proven transformative power of conscious breathing.
MEMBERSHIP ~ You can become a member as a "Friend of the IBF" or as a Professional Member. You then receive updates through a Newsletter and the opportunity to network with other conscious breathers worldwide.

Breathing App
Breathing Support at your Fingertips
Download it here... and breathe!
* Relaxing Breath
* Balancing Breath
* Energising Breath... and more...

IBF Global Inspiration Conference 2025 ~ AUSTRALIA
1st to 7th September 2025
Michael and Claire will join others from Ireland on the great Green Team. It's a trip of a lifetime and the week-long "Breath Festival" is a must...! Each day you can avail of breathwork workshops, Keynote Talks, networking and presentations from workgroups within the IBF global team.
See more...​​

AND... if you can't make it... then "Save the Date" GIC2026 will be in GREECE.