"Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, uniting your body to your thoughts.
Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath to take hold of your mind again."
Thich Nhat Hanh


This experiential and inspiring two-day workshop offers you an introduction to the three levels of Transformational Breath®:
Physical ~ Level 1 ~ Open and optimise your breathing apparatus
Mental/Emotional ~ Level 2 ~ Access your unconscious & integrate unresolved issues that affect your health and wellbeing
Spiritual ~ Level 3 ~ Connect to your inner guidance
Deepen your meditation & Access higher states of awareness
Many of us don’t breathe to our full capacity, which limits our health, energy and quality of life. We unknowingly restrict our breathing in an effort to block unwanted feelings such as fear, anger and grief. As you open to full-body breathing using your diaphragm, you can safely and effectively integrate mental & emotional issues held in your unconscious ~ wellbeing on all levels.
Reclaim Your Breath™ introduces you to insightful tools:
• Breathing Analysis to determine how you are breathing and to see how you can breathe more efficiently and effectively.
• Twice-daily 45-minute Breath Sessions.
• Body Mapping "hands-on" to clear restrictions held in your muscles.
• Toning & Movement, Affirmations, Invocations.
• 100 Breaths & more...

Mulvarra House overlooks the River Barrow and monastic village of St Mullins. There are walks along the towpath to the weir and locks as well as the riverside Mullichain Café with its tasty treats.
See BOOK NOW for Prices incl. Tuition Fees & Full Board Accommodation