"Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, uniting your body to your thoughts.
Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath to take hold of your mind again."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Introductory Evening ~ Talk, Demo & Breath Session More...
This 3-hour workshop offers you a experience of Transformational Breath® and the power of your own inhale...! No previous experience necessary.
Introductory Talk * Breathing Analysis Demo * Full 45-min Breath Session
Friday ~ 7pm to 10pm €40
This evening precedes a 2-day workshop and is FREE to participants
Slí na Bande, Newtownmtkennedy, Co. Wicklow
TESTIMONIALS on our 2-day workshops
"Greatly exceeded my expectations..."
~ Dave, General Practitioner
"One of the best weekends of my life..."
~ Claire, Hynobirther
Level 1 ~ We begin by exploring our individual Breathing Pattern and then learning how to breathe more openly and effectively. This allows us to gain more energy, better health and more balance. Transformational Breath® clears restrictions in our breathing pattern and eliminates extraneous muscle activity, so that we can maximize the benefits of more oxygen.
Level 2 ~ Using the high energy created by conscious connected breathing we can tap into and integrate negative patterns in the subconscious, such as past traumas, negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
Level 3 ~ Clearing restrictions physically in the body, as well as at the mental and emotional level, brings about energetic openings that allows us to access higher levels of our awareness to support the actualization of what we truly want to create in our lives.
Presence of the Breath™ ~ Weekend Workshop More...
Transformational Breath® is combined with the insights from
The Presence Process by acclaimed author Michael Brown.
This amazing marriage offers you two valuable tools for deep
and lasting integration of mental and emotional trauma.
Saturday & Sunday
Slí na Bande, Newtownmtkennedy, Co. Wicklow
Tuition Fee (incl. manual) €295 / Early Bird €270 if €150 paid by
NOTE: Attend the Introductory Evening on Friday for FREE
Presence of Breath™ (POB) ~ This potent 2-day weekend gives you insight and awareness into a deeper understanding of yourself and your world, allowing profound healing and change to take place at the causal level. The ability to be more present and share our lives from the space of "Presence" is just one the overall effects of these two dynamic tools coming together in this unbeatable workshop. So much so that Michael Brown recommended this Transforamtional Breath® ~ Presence of Breath™ workshop.
Seminar (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
Wednesday 11th to Tuesdy 17th October 2017
Slí na Bandé, Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow
Arrive 7.30pm dinner Wednesday. Finish 4.30pm Tuesday
€1,200 Tuition Fee, incl. manual
€480 Shared/ €580 Single Room Full Board
*EARLY BIRD €1,100 if €350 deposit paid before 1st September 2017
(€1,050 if paid before August 1st ~ no longer available)
Payment Plan Option also available on request.